Children need healthy, wholesome foods
Healthy Nutrition for Growing Children
The four week rotating menu is planned according to the Food Guide and certified by a licensed nutritionist. All food is cooked with consideration of maintaining its full nutritional value. We provide breakfast, a morning snack and a midday lunch. Meals always include:
Partnerships with families
Information for Parents
Established relationships with parents means we can share information positively and effectively to support children as much as possible.
Hours of Operation
Eligible hours of care were carefully thought and established keeping in mind parent's busy schedule.
Open communication between parents and staff is strongly encouraged. Teachers are encouraged to learn what is important to you as a parent and to use that information when programming for the group.
Medical Information
We are required under the Inmunization Law #25 and the Health Department to have a copy of each child's immunization record.
If your child is injured while at the center, staff will administer basic first aid. If medical attention is required, attempts will be made to reach the parents immediately. Staff will call Emergency Services if required.
Uniform is required at all times. Exploration often requires getting messy! All of the materials that we use are washable ,however we are aware that some paint colors and other materials are difficult to fully remove, therefore we require an additional set of clothing.
Children are encouraged to taste a variety of foods but no child is ever forced to eat foods that they do not wish to. All parts of the meal make up a child's nutritional requirements certified by a licensed nutritionist.
Parent Resources
The Parent Handbook provides new parents with an understanding of the mission, philosophy, policies, and procedures followed at our centre.
Understanding children’s behavior
Behavior Guidance
Positive and consistent techniques should be used to encourage children whose play actions are both appropriate and inappropriate.
Preferred Practices
Positive verbal and gestural reinforcement for appropriate behavior, redirection of inappropriate behaviour.
One verbal request (ensuring understanding) followed by gentle physical assistance (Example: showing the child how to ask others for things instead of just snatch them).
Teaching and practicing of preferred behaviors in order to help children habituate skills and learn self discipline.
Offering children age appropriate choices and assisting them to follow through.
Prohibited Practices
Corporal punishments of any kind (spanking, yelling, hitting, shaking, etc.).
Deliberate harsh or degrading measures that would humiliate a child or undermine a child's self respect (threatening, verbal abuse, mocking, yelling, etc.).
Deprivation of basic needs (food, water, play time, sleep, etc.).
Confining in a locked room.
Locking the exits of the child care center or any of the rooms for the purpose of confining.